Think Global Act Local

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For those who know me well - professionally and/or personally - you know I consider myself a global citizen - a “yes-mad” (not a nomad), if you will. I believe being a citizen of the world is an important component to understanding humanity as a whole. I’ve taken that thesis to heart and applied to not only my personal goals in life, but to the businesses I’ve built over time.

In this episode, Jay Saling and I discuss what it means to be a global company from conception. We discuss the impacts this thesis can have on your employees, your growth stragety, and other aspects of your business as you scale. We also touch on how to approach cultural differences within building global business relationships, and talk about some of the toughest and easiest places I’ve built relationships and done business in my career.
The moral of the story is, think globally, act locally.

Feeling At Home Wherever You Are